Edward Boyd
911 Coordinator
(217) 532-9511
140 North Main St.
Hillsboro, IL 62049

The Montgomery County 911 Communications Center was established in October of 1996. The Dispatchers are trained in Emergency Medical, Fire and Police Dispatch. They also dispatch for Montgomery County EMA, the Mutual Aid Box Alarm System (MABAS) Division 56, Hazmat and Dive Teams.
911 Addressing
Montgomery County 911 is responsible for assigning addresses in rural Montgomery County to improved and/or new properties outside of city/corporate limits. Addresses needed inside of city and/or corporate limits are assigned addresses by the city/village.
All applicants requiring a 911 address must first obtain/complete a building address permit from the Supervisor’s of Assessment Office (SOA) located on the second floor of the Historic Courthouse #1 Courthouse Sq, Hillsboro, IL 62049 or you may contact them at 217-532-9595.
The electric company will not deliver power to an address site until a 911 address is verified. The SOA will ensure that your property is properly parceled, then forward it electronically to the highway department to ensure there are no floods plain issues, then it will be forwarded to the health department to look at any potential well issues and then finally it is forwarded to the 911 office for an address assignment in rural areas or a verification in city/corporate limits.