Jury Information

If you have received an “OFFICIAL JUROR NOTIFICATION” please follow the directions to complete a questionnaire. You can do this by:

Web  http://jury.montgomerycountyil.gov

Text  juryduty@montgomerycountyil.gov

Call   1-800-879-7142

Please follow the directions to complete the questionnaire. If you no longer live in the county please still complete the form. It will have you change your address and once you do, it will remove you from the jury pool. Once you complete the form your juror number will be placed
into a pool for possible selection. We do not accept excuses until you have received your summons.

If you receive a “JURY SUMMONS” it will be one of three types:

PETIT – This is trial by jury. Please follow the instruction on your summons. You will be given a certain date to appear and then go through a selection process. If chosen you will serve anywhere from one day to several weeks. The average is about 4 days.

CORONER – If selected your service is for six months. The Coroner will contact you on when to appear if you are needed.

GRAND – If selected your service is for six months. The State’s Attorney will contact you on when to appear if you are needed.

If chosen for any of the three please bring your summons with you.
Jurors are paid $20 a day plus mileage. Check with your employer. If they pay you for your time off, they may want the jury pay as reimbursement. They do not get the mileage.

If you are chosen please remember it is your duty as a citizen of these United States of America to accept and
serve faithfully.

Visit CourtFunds.com to Register and Activate your Jury Payments Card.

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