Marriage Licenses

Getting Married? Read the information below on How to Apply for a Marriage License.

*** The online form will help speed up the application process.
*** Both parties are still required to visit the County Clerk’s Office to complete the application process. (Photo ID is Required)
*** Please allow one hour from the time the application is submitted before coming into the office.

Need a Certified Copy of a Marriage License? View Information and Form

Where to Apply:

The office of the Montgomery County Clerk & Recorder
#1 Courthouse Square
Hillsboro, IL 62049-0595
Our office is located on the first floor of the Historic Montgomery County Courthouse.

Marriage licenses are issued Monday through Friday, between 8:00 A.M. and 4:00 P.M. (Closed Holidays)

When to Apply:

Both parties must appear at the Office of the County Clerk. The license must be obtained at least 1 day prior to being used. The license is void 60 days after the effective date. The license must be used in Montgomery County, Illinois.


The fee for a marriage license is $75. Cash, money order or checks accepted. Make checks payable to Montgomery County Clerk. We accept credit/debit cards for a small additional fee.


Please review the sample application at the end of the instruction brochure. Knowing all of this information in advance of your visit will greatly reduce the amount of time it takes to process your application. (Important information to know includes: the date your most recent divorce or civil union dissolution was finalized, the spelling of your parents’ full names, and the place of birth for yourself and your parents.)

In order to be married in Illinois without parental consent, you must be at least 18 years of age. If you are 16 or 17 years of age, both parents must sign a parental consent form in the County Clerk’s Office and have a valid Driver’s License or State ID for identification at the time you apply for your license. If it is not possible for your parents to sign in this office, it may be done before the County Clerk in your parent’s County. If a parent is deceased, a death certificate, proof of guardianship or court order waiving consent must be presented.

It will be necessary to show proof of age when applying for a marriage license. A valid Driver’s License or State Photo ID is acceptable. For those under the age of 18, a certified copy of their birth record is necessary.

Non-residents should not obtain a marriage license if the said marriage would be void in their state.

Return of License:

The Officiant to the ceremony must return the license to the County Clerk’s Office within 10 days after the date of the marriage. An envelope is provided for the license’s return. If, for any reason, you are not married, it is your responsibility to return the license to the County Clerk’s office to be filed. Under no circumstances should a license be destroyed after it is issued.

Use of Marriage License:

Your marriage license must be obtained in the County in Illinois where the marriage will take place. The licenses are not transferable to any other county or state. If you are not sure as to what county the particular city of marriage is located, contact this office for assistance. Marriage in Illinois may be performed by either a person of the clergy or a judge. Witnesses are not required by Illinois law. The license becomes valid the day AFTER it is issued and is valid for 60 days.

If you wish to be married by a Judge, please contact the Montgomery County Circuit Clerk at: 217-532-9546 for more information.

Generally, the names of couples who apply for marriage license are published in area newspapers. The list is sent weekly to the newspapers, and the names are published at their discretion. If you do not want your name to appear in the newspaper, please let the County Clerk staff know this request at the time of license issuance. Since this information is of public record, we can not guarantee your request for privacy will be granted.

Certified Copies

Marriages have been issued and filed in Montgomery County, Illinois since 1821.

Who May Obtain A Certified Copy

Because of the confidential nature of these records, Illinois Statutes provide that copies of marriage records may be obtained only by:

  • The bride and groom themselves.
  • A parent or other legal representative of the person to whom the record relates.
  • A person having a genealogical interest if record is older than 75 years.
  • Specific written request for a certification or certified copy by a representative of a governmental agency or organization.
  • Upon the order of a court of competent jurisdiction.

Please note: Absolutely no information about a specific record can be given over the telephone regarding Vital Records.

Individuals must be 18 years or older, except for in the case of a minor bride or groom, in order to obtain a certified copy of a marriage license.


The statutory fee for a SEARCH of the marriage record files is $19.00. If the record is found, one certified copy is furnished. Additional copies of the same record issued at the same time are available for $6.00 each. Cash (in person only, we suggest you never mail cash), money order or checks accepted in person or by mail . Make checks payable to Montgomery County Clerk. We accept credit/debit cards in person for a small additional fee, or you could order your record on line using debit/credit card through VitalChek use info below, which will include extra processing and shipping fees.)

Records requested by mail are fulfilled on the same day they are received in the mail.

What You Need:

1.) Were you married in Montgomery County? We only have marriage records for people married in Montgomery County. (If you were married in another county, you can visit IDPH WEBSITE to get contact information for all Illinois County Clerks.)

2.) You MUST complete a Marriage Record Request Form.

This request form requires the following information:

  • Both partner’s full names (including Bride’s Maiden Name)
  • Date of marriage
  • Place of marriage
  • The full signature of the person requesting the document
  • The relationship of the person requesting the documents to the person

3.) You MUST provide Proof of Identity

Acceptable forms of ID are:

  • Valid Drivers License A Driver’s License that is no more than six months expired along with one more piece of documentation with your current name is acceptable. Note: You can’t use this option for online order through
  • Valid State Issued ID
  • Valid Firearm’s Owner ID
  • Valid U.S. Passport
  • Valid Military ID
  • Incarcerated or recently released inmates can submit a copy of their prison intake/offender summary sheet containing a photo.

– or THREE of the following:-

  • Valid Voter Registration Card
  • W2 Form (Most Recent)
  • Valid Public Assistance Medical Card
  • Bank Statement (Most Recent)
  • Utility bills or postmarked mail with your name printed on it. MUST have been received in the the last 30 days
  • Vehicle Registration Card
  • Recent Voided Check
  • Recent Credit Card Statement
  • Recent Paycheck Stub with Name and Address

Completed request forms cannot be faxed or emailed to our office, since we MUST have an original copy of your signature.
* If you want to order your records by mail and want to pay using a credit card or you need to EXPEDITE YOUR ORDER by Mail, you can go to and order copies from this office on-line via credit card. (VitalChek is a Third Party provider and not a part of the Montgomery County Clerk’s office, Extra fees will be applied.)

4.) Submit the form with Proof of Identity and payment to the following address:

By Mail:
Montgomery County Clerk
P.O. Box 595
Hillsboro, IL 62049-0595

In Person:
Montgomery County Clerk
#1 Courthouse Square
Hillsboro, IL 62049-0595

Our office is located on the First floor of the Historic Courthouse
Map & Directions

Hours: Monday-Friday 8:00am – 4:00pm
(Closed on Holidays)

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