Elder Services

This is a holistic approach to comprehensive case management by use of a statewide assessment tool that enables the Care Coordinator to identify the client’s support systems and needs. The tool is used to develop a plan of care specifically designed for the client.

Using the plan of care, the Care Coordinator then secures and coordinates all the available area resources that will benefit and meet the client’s needs.

The CCU staff provides these services to older adults in Montgomery, Macoupin and Christian Counties.

This program is funded in part by the Illinois Department on Aging.

This program is designed to assist individuals over the age of 60 so that they may stay in their own homes, rather than go to a nursing home by providing a homemaker to assist with personal care, housekeeping, laundry, meal preparation, errands, shopping, transportation needs, etc.

The CCU staff determines eligibility for this program based upon age and financial guidelines established by the Illinois Department on Aging. Prescreening for nursing home admissions is also conducted through this program. Care Coordinators also assist clients who wish to leave the nursing home and return to independent living.

The CCU staff provides these services to older adults in Montgomery, Macoupin and Christian Counties.

The Community Care Program is funded in part by the Illinois Department on Aging.

This program follows the same eligibility criteria as the Community Care Program and provides a 24 hour emergency communication link to assistance outside the client’s home for individuals with documented health and safety needs and mobility limitations.

This service is provided by a two-way communication system consisting of a base unit and an activation device worn by the client that will automatically link the client to a professionally staffed support center. There is no cost to eligible older adults for this program.

The CCU staff facilitates this service to clients in Montgomery, Macoupin and Christian Counties.

This program is funded in part by the Illinois Department on Aging.

The CCU is the designated Family Caregiver Resource Center for Montgomery County providing information and linkage to services for individuals who are informal caregivers for persons 60 years or older in Montgomery County. (Referrals will be made to the designated provider agencies for caregivers residing in other counties.)

A resource library of educational material, books, videos, etc. has been established and materials are available to be checked out.

This program is funded in part by Area Agency on Aging for Lincolnland.

The CCU provides information and linkage to needed services for seniors in Montgomery, Macoupin and Christian Counties. The CCU can assist clients in obtaining services and information on financial, medical, transportation needs, etc. Appropriate referrals will be made on behalf of the client.

This program is funded in part by Area Agency on Aging for Lincolnland.

This program provides assistance to the seniors of Montgomery, Macoupin and Christian Counties with completion of Circuit Breaker and SSA Extra Help applications and Medicare Part D enrollment.

Circuit Breaker is a state funded program that provides a yearly grant for relief from property tax, mobile home tax, rent or nursing home charges that qualifying seniors and disabled persons pay on their residence and provides discounts on vehicle license plates.

The Pharmaceutical Assistance program is an optional benefit of the Circuit Breaker that helps pay for certain approved prescription medications. Medicare Part D and SSA Extra Help are federal programs that provide seniors with pharmaceutical coverage and provide assistance with the high cost of their pharmaceutical needs.

This program is funded in part by Area Agency on Aging for Lincolnland.

SHIP is a free counseling service provided by the Illinois Department of Insurance. A SHIP Counselor is available to assist Medicare beneficiaries with health insurance questions.

For more information call (217) 532-2001.

MCHD is the designated Adult Protective Services Agency for Montgomery County and is responsible for investigating all reports of alleged abuse to persons disabled ages 18-59 and to persons 60 years of age and older who live in a domestic setting in Montgomery County. (All reports received involving victims of other counties will be referred to the provider agencies covering those counties.) All reports and reporters are kept confidential.

Types of abuse include:

  • Physical
  • Sexual
  • Emotional
  • Passive Neglect
  • Financial Exploitation
  • Will Deprivation
  • Confinement
  • Self Neglect

To report abuse:

Weekdays 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. – (217) 532-2001
After hours – (217) 556-1443
or call 24 hours State Hotline – 1-866-800-1409

This program is funded in part through Area Agency on Aging for Lincolnland and the Illinois Department on Aging.

MCHD is one of 37 community-based providers throughout the state working as part of an interconnected team of experts dedicated to serving individuals with memory problems. As a provider site, our staff work closely with SIU School of Medicine faculty and staff and are trained to evaluate individuals with memory or other cognitive complaints according to standard protocol.
We can provide:

  • In-Home Assessment & Evaluation Services
  • Referral services to community-based/support services
  • Counseling services
  • Education to individuals, the community and healthcare professionals.

For further information visit www.siumed.edu/alz or contact MCHD in Hillsboro at (217) 532-2001
This program is funded in part by SIU School of Medicine

Coffeen – 2nd Wednesday of Month at Coffeen Methodist Church Annex

Nokomis – 2nd Thursday of Month at United Methodist Church

Farmersville – 3rd Tuesday of Month at Knights of Columbus Building

Panama – 3rd Wednesday of Month at Community Building (Old School)

Taylor Springs/Hillsboro – 3rd Wednesday of Month at Senior Citizens Center/CEFS

Raymond/Harvel – 4th Thursday of month at Magnuson Grand Hotel

Call (217) 532-2001 for further information.

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