Erin Mattson
Public Defender
120 N. Main St.
Hillsboro, IL 62049
The Montgomery County Public Defender represents those individuals who have been accused of a crime which carries with it the potential for jail or prison time and who cannot afford to retain private counsel.
Prior to the appointment of the Public Defender, the Judge will have the individual complete an affidavit of assets and liabilities. The Judge will then decide if the Public Defender will be appointed.
The Public Defender handles all varieties of criminal matters from traffic to misdemeanors to serious felonies (including murder).
The Public Defender can also be appointed in juvenile cases involving abuse and neglect cases and delinquent minors. The Public Defender may represent one of the child’s parents or be appointed to represent the interest of the child.
As part of her responsibilities, the Public Defender prepares and files monthly reports to the County Board and Circuit Clerk on the services rendered.