Baneẻ Ulrici
Chief Managing Officer
120 N. Main St.,
Hillsboro, IL 62049
Links & Resources
Probation and Court Services Department
Fourth Judicial Circuit of Illinois
Program Mission
The Montgomery County Probation Department’s mission is to reduce the number of adult and juvenile offenders committed to the Illinois Department of Corrections. The Montgomery County Probation Department will facilitate this reduction by:
A. Investigating and supervising all referred cases according to the standards of the Administrative Office of the Illinois Courts;
B. Fostering positive relationships with clients, various governmental and social agencies, educational institutions, the public and co-workers;
C. Developing and implementing programs for clients;
D. Continuing education and training opportunities for employees of Montgomery County Probation; and
E. Any other possible services which will assist the client in positive behavior change.
The purpose of the Relate for Teens Program is to provide the probationers the opportunity to learn how to respond to life’s challenges or explore topics related to the type of offense they have committed in an effort to better understand the cause and effect, the consequences, feelings, and reactions to such experiences.
Adult Implemented Fall 2003
Juvenile Implemented Summer 2003
The purpose of the Employability Skills Program for adults is to provide offenders on Probation, Supervision or Conditional Discharge with practical and effective tools to assist the offender in obtaining and maintaining employment, which will assist him/her in remaining compliant with his/her Court order and increase the offender’s opportunity for maintaining a law-abiding lifestyle.
In response to Public Act 89-198, the Fourth Judicial Circuit Probation and Court Services Departments have developed an Administrative Sanctions Program to ensure swift, certain and equitable sanctions for technical violations of adult and juvenile offenders sentenced to probation.
The purpose of the program is to respond to all identified technical violations of probation in a consistent manner that considers the risk and needs of the offenders, is proportional to the risk to the community and utilizes the least restrictive response to achieve long-term positive behavioral change.
The Montgomery County Probation Department shall ensure the timely availability of electronic monitoring services as a sentencing alternative for public safety and the well-being of the defendant.
The Probation caseload of drug abusive offenders continues to increase throughout our counties. Information received through intakes, probationer meetings with their officers and collateral contacts indicate that drug abuse is also a contributing factor to various criminal behaviors. Therefore, the use of in-house drug testing will increase the effectiveness of our supervision as a means for identification, intervention, deterrence and resource referral.
The purpose of the public service work program is to: a) punish or serve as a retribution because performing public services without pay is an imposition on the time and liberty of the offender; b) service is a deterrent because offenders will view work without pay as a much stiffer sentence than straight probation; c) be rehabilitative in that it will entail experiences that have a positive impact on the offender’s attitude or behavior; d) provide a serve to the public agency which would not be affordable if the public service employment alternative were not available; e) help reduce the jail population resulting in a savings to the community; f) provide the court with a sentencing alternative which is somewhat more severe than a fine, but less harsh than a jail sentence; g) reduce public stereotypes about offenders and increase public involvement in and awareness of the criminal justice system.
Montgomery County Youth Court Mission Statement
The mission of Montgomery County Youth Court is to expand the knowledge and self-confidence of youth while also offering alternative sanctions for youth offenders to take accountability of their actions, through a jury of peers, to avoid criminal records.
Who Is Youth Court For?
Youth Court is designed for first time offenders ages 10-17 years old. Offenders eligible for youth court are most misdemeanors and minor felonies. All of which are subjected to the discretion of the State’s Attorney’s Office.
How Much Time Is Involved?
Between trainings and court, the amount of time that you need to set aside is 10 hours a month. Court will be held the second Tuesday of every month and training/court will also be held the fourth Tuesday of the month. This experience is meant to be fun, so there will be times that we meet for training over dinner or some other activity.
How Can I Become Involved?
All parties, including the victim (if he/she wishes to be involved), the community, and the juvenile offender need to have opportunities for input and involvement in the process. Role participants can be from 14 to 17 years old and must live in Montgomery County. Anyone Can Volunteer! Selection and training will be completed through Montgomery County Probation Office.
The purpose of the Victim Impact Panel is to enable offenders to consider the pain and suffering drinking and driving may cause other people and move offenders beyond being “stuck” in focusing on their own “bad luck.” VIP may contribute to modifying behavior and saving lives.