Nikki Lohman
1 Courthouse Square
Room 101
Hillsboro, IL 62049
Real Estate Tax Payments
You may pay your real estate taxes:
- By mailing payment to Montgomery County Treasurer,1 Courthouse Square, Room 101, Hillsboro, IL 62049.
- By making payment in person at the Treasurer’s Office located at the Montgomery County Historic Courthouse, 1st Floor, Room 101.
- By depositing payment in the gray metal drop box located on the North side of the Montgomery County Historic Courthouse by the fire escape.
- By phone via IVR at (217) 627-6138.
- By online payment at the link below.
The Montgomery County Treasurer/ Ex-Officio County Collector is an elected officer with a four year term.
The office is responsible for:
1. Receipting, investing, and distributing public monies of the County
2. Paying bills of the county and various other governmental agencies specifically authorized by law and/or by the County Board
3. Billing, collecting, and distributing county real estate tax, drainage tax, and mobile home tax
4. County employee payroll, employee pension, property and casualty insurance, workmen’s compensation insurance, employee health insurance, and County inventory
5. Preparation of the County budget for County Board approval; 6. Investment of County funds with emphasis on safety of principal, liquidity, and maximum rate of return
7. Monthly reporting to the County Board of all amounts of money on hand and invested
8. Monthly reporting to the County Board of all budgeted revenues and appropriations
9. Delinquent tax sale at the end of every tax year
10. Reporting and paying inheritance tax collections to the Illinois State Treasurer
11. Collecting from the State of Illinois, and distributing as required, sales tax, supplemental sales tax, income tax, income tax surcharge, salary reimbursement, replacement tax, inheritance tax, emergency management assistance program monies, and motor fuel tax
12. Accounting records of the Emergency Telephone System Board (911)
13. Reviewing for approval of senior citizen real estate tax deferral
14. Maintaining and providing public access to tax records from the year 1855 through current year.